A long corridor of light cuts through the darkness on stage. In the distance, a figure emerges. At a party, they catch the gaze of someone across the room. Desire strikes immediately. The challenge now is to muster the courage to bridge the gap between these two bodies, to find the right words to say. The journey feels endless, as though a lifetime is needed to reach the other side. Along the way, one struggles, debates with oneself, steps forward, hesitates, gathers courage, and mumbles.
By playing with the difficulty of articulating certain words, replacing them with others, Arianna Camilli builds a text around these questions: How do we express desire when the word itself is tied to fear? How can we let the thoughts hidden beneath shame be heard?
Practical information
- Ce spectacle a lieu à L’Abri – Madeleine
- Spectacle à fort contenu auditif – convient aux personnes aveugles et malvoyantes
- Le foyer et les salles 1 et 2 de L’Abri – Madeleine sont accessibles aux personnes à mobilité réduite
Writing, directing and acting: Arianna Camilli
Artistic collaboration: Alexandre Doublet
Lighting design and stage management: Justine Bouillet
Outside view: Meriel Kenley