Marino Palma

He started playing classical piano music when he was 6 years old. He continued learning by listening to improvised music (jazz/Latin) and electronic music. With the musical collective Erkalium, founded in 2015, he has explored the links between all the performing arts (music, dance, visual creation), having digital composition as a founding base. Influenced by various musical cultures, he drew inspiration from his Colombian roots to develop his creations. He chose to perform personal and family acoustic compositions with part of his musical family (grandfather, father and cousins). He adapted them to different formats, ranging from a Classical Quartet to a large Salsa type formation to a more intimate style influenced by Latin jazz.
Having lived in Switzerland for three years, he chose to continue his studies as a pianist, composer and arranger with Emil Spanyi at the University of Music of Lausanne (HEMU). He graduated from a Bachelor’s in Piano Jazz in 2017 and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Instrumental Pedagogy. He currently accompanies the Geneva singer Gaspard Sommer.